Versatile Blogger Award!

May 8, 2012 § 32 Comments

I always wondered what is my word. Have been trying to figure that out, for years.
So when i was nominated for this award, got me thinking. And nah, versatile aint my word!

First of all, thank you for nominating me. She’s been here for a couple of weeks only, and she writes some beautiful stuff!!
I humbly accept the award mademoissle. Glad you found me worthy and interesting enough to be passing the honor!!

Nomination/Award Rules:
*If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.
*Thank the person who gave you this award. THANK YOU Madam! :)
*Include a link to their blog.
*Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
*Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
*Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Okay, here are my nominations:
(He writes some awesome philosophy, and he is the reason, well partly, that i even have a blog here. Thanks Abhishek!)
(Sailor boy, never met anyone as “versatile”. We can ramble about the crappiest stuff and heavy things with depth!)
(Some awesome sketches!)
(Recently discovered this one. Some beautiful poetry!!)
(Again, some poetry she writes! She calls herself “The Confessionalist”.)
(Inspiring poetry!!)
(Now she writes random stuff, and shares her birthday with Beiber! :P)
(The name of the blog, is enough!)
(God, she makes me think with some of her posts!!)
(Yes, the poems do make you ponder!)
(Oh Scott, we love your work!)
(Some great, inspiring stuff. And sheer truth!)
(This woman, is just wow!!)
(I love all that she does, and writes. Period.)
(She doesn’t write too often. Well i hope she does, now!)

Uh, 7 things about me? Let’s see:

1. I am a cusp. A Scorpio-Saggitarius cusp. Makes me different (read weird)!
2. I am a sucker for earrings and books. Can NEVER have enough of em.
3. The darker the chocolate, the better for me.
4. I cook really well. And all of it is instinctive cooking. No recipes, no Google!
5. I can get along with everyone, except the ones who have an air of superficiality around em.
6. I can’t do without caffeine. Addicted, is the word.
7. I am ALWAYS confused. I barely have any kind of clarity.

Enough said!! 😀

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